| Apreo 2 S | Apreo 2 C |
Độ phân giải | - 0.9 nm at 1 kV
- 0.8 nm at 1 kV (beam decel.)
- 1.0 nm at 1 kV, 10 mm working distance (beam decel.)
- 0.8 nm at 500 V (beam decel.)
- 1.2 nm at 200 V (beam decel.)
| - 1.2 nm at 1 kV
- 1.0 nm at 1 kV (beam decel.)
- 1.2 nm at 500 V (beam decel.)
Đầu dò tiêu chuẩn | - ETD, T1, T2, T3, IR-CCD, Nav-Cam+
| - ETD, T1, T2, IR-CCD, Nav-Cam+
PivotBeam | - Mode for selected area electron channeling (also known as "rocking beam" mode).
| |
Đầu dò thêm | - DBS, LVD, DBS-GAD, STEM 3+, RGB-CLD, EDS, EBSD, WDS, Raman, EBIC, etc.
Công nghệ ChemiSEM (optional) | - Live quantitative SEM image coloring is available based on energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Point & ID, linescan, region, element maps, and reliable Noran quantification are included.
Dải năng lượng | |
Giảm tốc chùm tia | - -4000 V to +600 V standard with every system
Chân không thấp | - Optional: 10 – 500 Pa chamber pressure
Bệ mẫu | - 5-axis motorized eucentric stage, 110 x 110 mm2 with a 105° tilt range. Maximum sample weight: 5 kg in un-tilted position.
Dải dòng | - 50 nA (400 nA configuration also available)
Bộ holder tiêu chuẩn | - Multi-purpose holder, uniquely mounts directly onto the stage, hosts up to 18 standard stubs (Ø12 mm), three pre-tilted stubs, cross-section samples and two pre-tilted row-bar holders (38° and 90°) and does not require tools to mount a sample
Buồng mẫu | - 340 mm inside width, 12 ports, three simultaneous EDS detectors possible, two at 180°, coplanar EDS/EBSD orthogonal to the tilt axis of the stage